Saturday, July 9, 2011

Worth It Or Not?

Like most people in today's fast paced world, you are probably busier than you would like to be.  Your days are more than likely filled with chauffeuring children, working a job, doing housework, cooking, yard work, running errands, etc.  Trying to conquer the world and get it all done before you collapse into bed (well past your bedtime, of course) from total exhaustion!  To fit something else into your busy scheduled is totally out of the question, right?  

There is a world within this world that many people aren't aware of.  It is a place filled with people who have been tossed aside, rejected by society, left behind for someone else to "deal with".  It includes both men and women (although, mostly men), who have been shunned by the outside world for their past, for the crimes they have committed, the laws they have broken and the people they have hurt.  These people have been placed in a facility that is off the beaten path, out of sight from those "productive" members of society who are going about their daily, busy lives.

Walking in the door of this facility, it is hard not to notice that it is a cold and dingy building.  Nothing homey about the place at all.  There are no pictures on the walls, the furniture is dorm room like, plastic and wood, with torn chairs, nothing special or fancy.  There is a guard at the door to make sure nobody gets out, and nobody who doesn't belong there gets in.  I sign in and my ID is taken from me while I am in the building.  While in the waiting room, I notice a man walking past, he glances at me sideways, as if to say "what are you doing here?"  Telling me with his demeanor that he doesn't trust me.  I felt a little out of place, but not scared, I was taking it all in, and embracing the experience with an open heart.

My plan is to spend time here, a few hours a week, or more if needed.  I want to get to know the inmates, and show them that not everyone in the outside world has forgotten about them.  Some people in my life have asked me if I've lost my mind?  My response?  "As a Christian, God has called me to love.  He didn't tell me to love only those people who are nice to me.  He didn't tell me to love only those people who don't sin.  If that were the case, then nobody would be worthy of love.  God didn't tell me to only spend time with those who are like me.  God has asked us to love the least of these, for it is then that we are loving God." 

I begin teaching these outcasts basic computer skills.  Skills that, because of their incarceration, they have either forgotten, or have never learned in the first place.  Let's face it, if you don't know the basics about computers, you cant even apply for a job these days.  I will also be teaching them how to write their resume.  A task that will be a little tricky to say the least, given their history, but an obstacle we will overcome together. 

After a while I realize that in reality, these men and women aren't that much different from myself. Yes, they have committed crimes that I havent committed, but is their sin any worse than mine in the eyes of our God?  I curse, they steal.  I gossip, they forge checks.  I get angry, they sell drugs.  Yes, they also commit arson, rape and murder.  To some, these are crimes that shouldn't be forgiven.  But God didnt send me to this place to judge them, He sent me to love them, listen to them, help them.  In God's eyes, is my sin less than that of the inmate?  Does my gossip not hurt people?  Does my cursing not break God's heart just the same as their crime?  It's something to think about, isn't it?

I look forward to my time that I am blessed to spend with these men and women.  I look forward to hearing their stories, how they view their life.  And I look forward to helping them move forward in their new lives.  Are they worth my time?  Well, are you worth God's time?  I hope your answer is "YES!"

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