Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A Letter To My Father

Dear Heavenly Father, I need you tonight. Tomorrow is my last day at my job. My company has been restructured and my position has been eliminated (I guess you already know all of this don't you? After all, you are God!) Because I am YOUR child, I know that I can come to you with my worries, my fears, my hopes and my dreams.

I have spent 11 years at this job God, and part of me is so frightened about what lies ahead in my future. How will I provide for my two girls? Wait, YOU are my provider, aren't you? Who will calm my fears? Oh yeah, YOU are my comforter. To whom shall I look to for guidance? That's right, YOU are my Counselor.

I am a bundle of mixed emotions right now ~ I'm scared... that I won't find a job. I'm worried.... that I will lose my home. I'm unsure... about what the future holds. I'm EXCITED.... about what YOU have in store for me!! I'm PEACEFUL .... about being YOUR child!!

Thank you Father, for loving me and holding me when I am scared. AMEN.

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